Heya oldtimers
Heya oldtimers
I happened to stumble upon this board as well and wanted to give a friendly hollar to old familiar faces :)
Heya Hits, unfortunately I am still playing, and still on Antonius Bayle, once the nostalgia kicked in, I located some of the older news posting I did for VM in the old days, located at, http://www.lavanet.no/vm
Most of the images have dissipated though,
Most of the images have dissipated though,
Oh the memories... All of those entries on the main page are from my recruitment. Actually, on May 31st when we did Velk, that silver sword of yalrik (as Occy called it "Sword of Crap") was awarded to the little warrior recruit that could, Yours Truly! /shrug, I was happy.
Thanks for the link, 9!
Thanks for the link, 9!
>Arkinia the Wanderer was our dedicated fear puller for the night, and despite recently being crowned the best of the best of druids on Quellious, he met his match against an apparantly buffed up glare lord pet within the fearplane today. Wwaan came up with a solution though
Hahaha...man, i took a lot of crap for that one.
Still playin eq, eh 9? It wasn't until recently that I read the Wheel of time series and noticed the incredible similarity to Nynaeve...
Hahaha...man, i took a lot of crap for that one.
Still playin eq, eh 9? It wasn't until recently that I read the Wheel of time series and noticed the incredible similarity to Nynaeve...