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Hey guys, just here today to say sorry and I apologize for that comment. As Arkinia pointed out of the warsong forums that was completly immature of me. In all honesty it just kinda came out and I wish it hadntSorry to hear about Lucifron, I hear the horde had it even worse tonight...Blizzard needs to prevent this kind of thing from happening 3 months after release…Its absurd.
But on another note, I just wanted to point out how Really mature your comment was Fascion. I saw your "EAT IT VM" comment in that screenshot and the funny part? I had NO idea who you are -- yet you clearly feel threatened by our guild.
I make an effort to at least attempt to avoid Warsong drama, and I can understand a sense of competitiveness, but is that seriously the first thing that pops in your head after winning a challenging encounter? If so, that’s pretty sad. How bout "Sweet, we won" or "Wow, grats to whoever getting some nice epics."
Vis Maior at heart is just like any other guild. We're a bunch of friends and gamers who have known most known each other since Everquest. We like challenging encounters, and like to avoid the pickup raid drama that anyone who reads these boards knows exists, so we do things guild only.
The best part about this whole thing – a few days ago, you asked to recruit with us. You grouped with some of our guys in BRD, and asked all kinds of questions. No doubt, you’re a skilled player, but f*&# your attitude.
Do you just jump on whatever bandwagon will get you somewhere quick?
Seriously, sorry. Stress, as im sure you all know, is quite high on raids like that, especialy when they are pub. That comment was far from who I really am and I hope it is the last I make like it.About my comment as clearly seen in the screenshot:
Ugh, where to begin. Lets just start with the "Im an ass, sorry" part and get it out of the way. It was late and I was getting a little stressed with the raid to that point. Yes, I do care how yall have progressed but that was expressed in totaly the wrong way in the heat of the moment.
The long story:
Until about 5 days ago I was seriously looking into VM (blew that last night, now didnt I? ) as the guild I currently help run wasnt going anywhere near that anytime soon. After several weeks worth of bad or worse pub raids I pretty much had my mind made up that I was sick of it and ready for a change. As half of my fellow leaders rarely even play I through it might be wise to look into VM which I had been half-assedly following since 2-3 weeks into retail. Having brought that up on our forums I started to explore the idea even further but ultimatly the 3 years I have been with my guild was just to much to leave. Obviosly all of that got some flaming aimed in my direction. That coupled with a few comments (that I wont go into) made by a VM officer I had a chat with just fueled the fire that eventualy became the comment as seen above.
Again, I am an ass, sorry. Nothing against VM, hell yall are one of the only guilds I look up to on this server and hope to be on par with once all our guild issues get sorted out. No hard feelings.
60 Ass
Great work on Onyxia, I better see her lower in a week or two