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Hey! Hi! Hello!

Post by Wubwub »

Just seeing who is still around. :) Its been a few years.

I still cant believe you picked alliance! Whats up with that?

Post by Numnaydar »

Wtf Troll ~ Been hitting MC I heard?

Post by Wubwub »

We tried geddon for the first time this evening.. 19% on the third attempt.

So yea we've been hitting it just a bit. :)

Post by Numnaydar »

Yeah, so like doing Mag with only 1 hunter with the Tranq shot wasn't a very good idea.

Post by Wubwub »

Haha, atleast you dropped him last night. Congratulations. =) It really does open up the rest of the zone. And two BP drops? Sons of bitches! Bleh, we havent seen but one form of chest equipment so far, I think it was the robe of prophecy.

Had a bitchin night over on Mal'Ganis. Dropped Geddon on our first try of the evening, and rolled on over to Golemagg and Sulfuron and dropped them on our first tries to. Three server firsts in one evening isnt sniffable. =)

Majordomo is going to be a bitch, I think. Looking forward to the challenge! And we need to start working on onyxia.

Damn goons just arent raiders!

Post by Orim »

how'd you guys fare vs. gehennas?

Post by Wubwub »

Got him on our first try. The next day (It reset again bleh) we wiped the first time and got him the second time.. I dont think we have lost to him since.

Its easier for horde, as he randomly targets totems to. =) Having 3k piled onto a randomly placed frost resist totem with 5 hit points isnt too bad.

You gotta understand I have a guild of 300 people, and I think 150ish are level 60.. So we always have a raid of 40 or people complain. Trying to get a second core group up though, keep the masses happy.

Post by g0rf »

I would turn guildchat off if we had 300 members...100 would be bad enough

Post by Orim »

omg 300 people.

Post by Mirkendargen »

That's ridic.

Post by Wubwub »

There are only about 60-80 on at any given time. 370ish players 288 accounts most of which are on only sparsely.

Im an officer and believe me when I tell you I enforce the guild muting system. It doesnt usually get out of hand anyways, Goons are good people.

Since its 288 Mostly closed beta goon squad people we tend not to have problems when it comes to random asshatery.. The other people in the guild were more or less hand selected. Thats why our guild name is "Elitist Jerks"

http://www.elitistjerks.com but there isnt much to see there.

Post by Numnaydar »

Wubwub wrote:
Its easier for horde, as he randomly targets totems to. =) Having 3k piled onto a randomly placed frost resist totem with 5 hit points isnt too bad.
Doesn't Grounding Totems absorb Onyxia's 2k AoE as well?

Post by Wubwub »

Grounding totem doesnt do shit in Molten Core, I havent actually had time to go to any of our Onyxia attempts when they were schedualed unfortunately but I assume its the same.. No grounding doesnt work or else we would have such a clear and drastic advantage that it would cause issues.

But totems are still targeted through the RSTS.

Post by Xearoii »

300 members , that's sick.

Post by Wubwub »

Goon Squad has around 600, but the counter is broken and stuck at 500 so we dont know actual numbers.

THAT is sick.
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