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Post by Duckeh »

My application was accepted but I'm having problems transfering to Bonechewer. Damn friends on Warsong refuse to transfer... so I'm wondering how much it would cost to kidnap them and transfer them forcefully. I want to raid with you guys more than anything but I can't get my friend to transfer as they want to create a "VM-like" guild. Well, I havn't been on one successful MC raid yet. Oh joy! People get heated in there, people leave, and refuse to give up their stupid "strategies" that simply DON'T WORK! So, do I ditch my friends and raid with you, or stay on this lag-filled server and pay "out-the-ass" in gold after I die in MC over 100 times. =(

Post by Sebboh »

did they bring the realm transfers back online? last i heard warsong couldn't transfer to BC anymore.
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