Emergency! This Book Will Save Your Life -Neil Strauss

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Emergency! This Book Will Save Your Life -Neil Strauss

Post by Metzer »

I've enjoyed reading Neil Strauss. He lets readers in on his inner-most thoughts and has simple humor via contradictions, usually back to back.
But regarding Emergency!, the book really got me thinking about the situation America and how far it has degraded in the eyes of the world. He tries to get a Swiss bank account, but is told they no longer deal with Americans.

The random experiences he goes through in the book really are surprising. For those looking for a summary of what the book is about:
Neil Strauss himself writes about his own personal experiences that he goes through in order to prepare himself should shit hit the fan. Either that be via power outages, nuclear attacks, biological attacks, food shortages, natural disasters. Anything. It gets out of control really, but I've actually learned stuff from it. The main goal of his is to obtain a second citizenship so he can easily escape America if he needs to. There are lots of little "tricks" in the book that seem obvious, but I really don't think about. In the end, he has literally turned himself into a human swiss army knife. Discussion?
Sometimes, you just have to be fucking awesome.
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