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Post by Chikkin »


I realize it's a fad to come here and say hi for some attention.

Count me in.

I check on you guys about twice a year or so. Always envious of your free time. Those of you I played with from Kunark to Luclin know that when I played, I was one of those 15 hours a day guys.

Military, 4year old, and wife doesnt allow that now.

I'm glad you guys are still owning.

Just from a glance I noticed Hits, Kold, Fatfatty, Webin, and Orig Biffins still here. I noticed Tinnel in a forum post also. Hey to all of you. There wasnt too many in EQ that when they gave me advice, or told me to do something that I'd put my ego aside and listen. But you guys of course fall in that category.

I know Mirk's been here from the start, but I left before Explicit was formed.

It's been a year or two, anybody hear from Nida since the... discovery? Figured maybe that person came back after they got over it.

Tanja quit? I know she was a priest for you folks for a while.

I dont remember how many of you got to know him, but Deamien (the eq necro) was one of my closer online friends. He vanished one day, anybody ever hear from him again?

Kold, I dont see how you keep it going man, but full credit to you bud.

As for me, I'm turning 30 this year. I'm old. I'm currently in Iraq, being an Air Traffic Controller, it isnt that hard over here to be honest. Just hot, dusty, and poor living conditions. I'd love to play an MMO over here, since I'm not a family man while deployed, but our internet connection is satellite, 128k upload, 512k download, split by 8 people in my unit.

Number One Asshole
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Re: Chikkin

Post by Tluas »

"You're not a man 'til you've pulled a tooth out with a pair of pliers."
-Captain Phil Harris of the Cornelia Marie
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Re: Chikkin

Post by Webin »

Hi man, from what I hear tanja plays dota on the euro servers along with wow. She's like a school teacher in Germany now. Can't believe it's been so long since we played EQ. It's scary how fast time goes by. Good to see you checking in from time to time.
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Re: Chikkin

Post by Talisen »

Hi Chikkin!
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Re: Chikkin

Post by Mirkendargen »

Somehow, the thought of Tanja teaching anyone anything terrifies me.
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Re: Chikkin

Post by Chikkin »

Mirk, I agree.

Tanja definitely did her own thing. I remember, we'd be on a raid. Teeth as his bard, Malla, and I would be playing Mana regen, and 2 or 3 other support songs to keep the clerics/mages going.

Tanja's group would be looking for their bard. You'd say "Tanja where you at?" She'd say "DPS'ing". Lol. But I'm not cracking, I loved Tanja, she made me laugh.

One day, when.. Tynu/Tuna.. I dont remember his full bard name was tagged Vis, he was the newest Bard. Tanja then in Fear (CT 2.0 raid) made a group of Teeth/Aili/Malla/Chikkin/Tynu and herself. Then proclaimed to /gu "I have KS group."
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Re: Chikkin

Post by Xender »

Heya Chik, been a very long time man, good to see that real life is treating you well (ie: family). EQ will still be the game that started it all for me, and as you can see, I'm still playing. Reminiscing is the fad around here for us old-timers.
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Re: Chikkin

Post by Tache »

Hey Chris, how are you doing? I had gotten in touch with Deamien a few years ago but his email has since been unresponsive:

Last I heard from him was 11/05:
I'm still in the Navy, have about a year and half left. I am now living in Viginia, traffic is nuts here. F the east coast but I did buy a house. The housing market is pretty good here. The place is worth about 30k more than what I bought it for 4 months ago.

Are you still living in NY?

I don't think I could start another game right now. Vanguard on the other hand, I'll have to check that out when it finally goes live.

On 1/06 I wrote him and got no reply. 6/06 I wrote again and the email bounced back. Here is what I have saved though:

I have posted here a few times with his name in the subject line but no response. I would also like to get back in touch with him, he was a good guy. Did you ever get his last name? I only knew him as John. I also think an old cellphone may have whatever his # was back then but I have no idea where those relics are packed away since I moved to my house.

Shoot me an email mike --at- antilogic -dot-- net

Stay safe,
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Re: Chikkin

Post by wwaan »

oh chikkin sux and looks like green crap
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