The ones Share-builder recommends that I put my money into are:
Just trying to widen my knowledge before I put my money somewhere.

This is a terrible idea.I Love Vis Maior wrote:My answer is Wal-Mart. We all know that Wal-Mart is not going under any time soon and will not lose business, because they stay up and running while having that whole "find a price, we will make ours cheaper" thing going on. I don't know how much money you want to put into a stock, etc. But at any amount, just put in a small sum into a Wal-Mart stock and then build from there. If you see it going up or anything, buy more. And then you build from there.
Well, from 2011 onward this is true.Biffins wrote: And say it had gone up $5/share instead, you'd be taxed rather heavily on that gain, versus a muni bond or tax-incentivized asset.