Posted: May 21st, 2009, 8:40 pm
I realize it's a fad to come here and say hi for some attention.
Count me in.
I check on you guys about twice a year or so. Always envious of your free time. Those of you I played with from Kunark to Luclin know that when I played, I was one of those 15 hours a day guys.
Military, 4year old, and wife doesnt allow that now.
I'm glad you guys are still owning.
Just from a glance I noticed Hits, Kold, Fatfatty, Webin, and Orig Biffins still here. I noticed Tinnel in a forum post also. Hey to all of you. There wasnt too many in EQ that when they gave me advice, or told me to do something that I'd put my ego aside and listen. But you guys of course fall in that category.
I know Mirk's been here from the start, but I left before Explicit was formed.
It's been a year or two, anybody hear from Nida since the... discovery? Figured maybe that person came back after they got over it.
Tanja quit? I know she was a priest for you folks for a while.
I dont remember how many of you got to know him, but Deamien (the eq necro) was one of my closer online friends. He vanished one day, anybody ever hear from him again?
Kold, I dont see how you keep it going man, but full credit to you bud.
As for me, I'm turning 30 this year. I'm old. I'm currently in Iraq, being an Air Traffic Controller, it isnt that hard over here to be honest. Just hot, dusty, and poor living conditions. I'd love to play an MMO over here, since I'm not a family man while deployed, but our internet connection is satellite, 128k upload, 512k download, split by 8 people in my unit.
I realize it's a fad to come here and say hi for some attention.
Count me in.
I check on you guys about twice a year or so. Always envious of your free time. Those of you I played with from Kunark to Luclin know that when I played, I was one of those 15 hours a day guys.
Military, 4year old, and wife doesnt allow that now.
I'm glad you guys are still owning.
Just from a glance I noticed Hits, Kold, Fatfatty, Webin, and Orig Biffins still here. I noticed Tinnel in a forum post also. Hey to all of you. There wasnt too many in EQ that when they gave me advice, or told me to do something that I'd put my ego aside and listen. But you guys of course fall in that category.
I know Mirk's been here from the start, but I left before Explicit was formed.
It's been a year or two, anybody hear from Nida since the... discovery? Figured maybe that person came back after they got over it.
Tanja quit? I know she was a priest for you folks for a while.
I dont remember how many of you got to know him, but Deamien (the eq necro) was one of my closer online friends. He vanished one day, anybody ever hear from him again?
Kold, I dont see how you keep it going man, but full credit to you bud.
As for me, I'm turning 30 this year. I'm old. I'm currently in Iraq, being an Air Traffic Controller, it isnt that hard over here to be honest. Just hot, dusty, and poor living conditions. I'd love to play an MMO over here, since I'm not a family man while deployed, but our internet connection is satellite, 128k upload, 512k download, split by 8 people in my unit.