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Greetings from Ex-Quellious Sage now Ally-Warlock

Posted: September 23rd, 2008, 5:48 pm
by savadia

Some of you remember me back from EQ2 launch on Quellous as the servers first max lvl sage... SAVADIOUS... (#2 or #1 worldwide - tracking was hard back then before achievements).

Well I just saw your name on MMO-Champion and decided to see if it was the same people I knew from Quellious.. and it was ! I wonder how many from Quellious are still here...

Nice to see you all again... Im not Savadious anymore... im SAVADIA now...

Hope to see more of you !

Re: Greetings from Ex-Quellious Sage now Ally-Warlock

Posted: September 23rd, 2008, 10:56 pm
by quadkite
I'm gonna take a stab in the dark and say that no one remembers you

Re: Greetings from Ex-Quellious Sage now Ally-Warlock

Posted: September 23rd, 2008, 11:33 pm
by arkinia
Wrong crew for EQ2, sorry.

Re: Greetings from Ex-Quellious Sage now Ally-Warlock

Posted: September 24th, 2008, 10:04 am
by savadia
arkinia wrote:Wrong crew for EQ2, sorry.

Aaah.. I see :*(

I just saw the "about" section in your website that read:
"Vis Maior is an alliance World of Warcraft guild on the Bonechewer server. Originally formed in the early days of Everquest on the Quellious server, "

I remember Vis Maior.... back on Svr launch.... YEARS ago....
Anyone still around who migrated from Quellious/EQ/EQ2 ??

AAAAH now I remember... Quellious was EQ 1... Ya - I rememebr well now... its been what... maybe 4 years since I logged into Quellious... My roommate Paul was in your guild... thats why I recalled the name... he was either :
Sindail (dru), Branoic (mage), Myss (necro) or .. hmm.. several others... I have to try to remember his others :lol:

Well... Well Met anyhow !

Re: Greetings from Ex-Quellious Sage now Ally-Warlock

Posted: September 27th, 2008, 10:38 pm
by Renn

Re: Greetings from Ex-Quellious Sage now Ally-Warlock

Posted: September 28th, 2008, 12:25 am
by Meldred
Whoa #1 in he world, you must be amazing!